SRJ Windows is helping our Dunfermline customers to bring their properties into the 21st-century with our high-quality anthracite grey uPVC window range. No longer will you just have to put up with plain white windows, with our customisable uPVC profile able to fit every type of Fife home. Instead, you can make your property stand out from the rest of the street.

Anthracite Grey has become increasingly popular in properties across Dunfermline. Its colour is made up of grey with green and blue undertones when exposed to light. This shading will give your home a talking point. For this homeowner in Dunfermline, the use of windows has helped their conservatory to stand out.

Our Latest Smooth Anthracite Grey uPVC Window

Despite looking like an aluminium window, our smooth anthracite grey windows will provide the Dunfermline homeowner with all the benefits of modern uPVC. The multi-chambered profile will provide your home with the best levels of thermal retention. Pockets of warm air are trapped within your home for longer, keeping your property at a comfortable temperature. This will lead to you relying less on your central heating, leading to lower energy bills and a reduction of your property’s carbon footprint.

One of our smooth anthracite grey windows will also help to give you the peace of mind that your property is secured. We fit these windows with the latest locking mechanisms, which along with the profile and double glazing pane, provide the highest level of security across the frame. The only people who will be able to gain interest into your property will be those you have personally invited.

We offer the anthracite grey foil on all of our uPVC windows. This means that you can get the perfect window to match your Dunfermline home.

Our Latest Smooth Anthracite Grey uPVC Windows

Get an Anthracite Grey Window Quote Today

If you’d like to discuss one of our Anthracite Grey, then don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can call us on 01383 851 951 or fill out our online contact form.

For those who already know what style window you want for your property, then fill out our online quote. Just enter a few details to receive a bespoke estimate with no obligation to book.

If you’d rather see our product range face-to-face, then book a visit to our showroom. We are located at Macintosh House, Innova Campus, Viking Way in Rosyth. We look forward to welcoming you in-store.

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